飛鳥集 Stray Birds
世界五百強、知名IT企業NBI公司在某高校召開大型招聘會,父母雙亡帶幼弟的研究生武越、因飆車被逼回國的富二代林少霆、書香門第家庭出身的學霸蘇小滿等人,彙集於此,在業界精英和知名教授的關注下,參加這場別開生面的集體面試,武、林、蘇等人都獲得了NBI公司為期半年的入職實習資格。女學霸蘇小滿回國發展,卻在歸國路上對背負仇恨的IT天才武越一見鍾情,愛與復仇的種子在二人心中同時發芽。同一時期,備受矚目的大腦資料迎來了新一季的招聘,蘇小滿誤打誤撞參加了真人秀《極客狂人》,並下定決心要自主研發一款 APP,武越也如願進入大腦資料,與蘇小滿、富二代林 少霆、技術宅男張江等人成為同事。而擁有「傲人外貌」的老員工柴晴,卻在工作和愛情中屢不得志,開始暗中算計蘇小滿。幾個年輕人之間的關係因為愛與被愛、信任與欺騙,開始發生微妙變化。背負仇恨、面對誘惑、遭遇背叛……留學生活中熱血滿懷的他們,將如何適應國內社會生活的「叢林法則」?又將如何延續友誼的純粹和愛情的忠貞?世界以痛吻我,我能否報之以歌?這群初入職場的年輕IT人,在職場競爭和複雜的人際關係下,經歷充滿挑戰的實習期,走向創業,面對愛情、親情、友情的考驗,在歷練中蛻變、成長,走向了新的人生。
Ranking as one of the 500 best companies in the world, the famous IT cooperation, NBI Company was going to hold a big recruitment meeting in a high school. Wu Yue, a graduate student who lost his parents and took care of his brother alone, Lin Shao Ting, a child of wealthy parents who was forced to come back from overseas because of joyride, and Su Xiao Man, a star student who was from an intellectual family, all three of them had gathered around here, about to attend this huge interview with the attention of the elites and renowned professors. The three of them all got accepted to do an internship in NBI for six months after the interview. The academic star Su Xiao Man came back to the country to develop her career, yet she fell in love with the IT genius Wu Yue at the very first sight. Wu Yue’s mind had always been filled with hatred. The two exactly different emotions started to grow in their minds individually.
Meanwhile, the high-profile company “Data of Brain” started a new season of recruitment. Su Xiao Man accidentally attended the live show “Best Hacker”, and she had determined to develop an app on her own. Wu Yue also got a position in “Data of Brain” as he wished. He became co-workers with Su Xiao Man, Lin Shao Ting and the technical staff Zhang Jiang.
However, an older staff named Chai Qing who was said to have a “good appearance” became jealous of them. Things didn’t get well with her in both work field and relationship, so she started to set Su Xiao Man up. The relationship between these young men also started to change because of the love, trust and lies between them.
Having hatred, facing temptations, being betrayed…..how would these young people adapt to the “Jungle Rules” on society domestically, while they had a carefree life during the times studying abroad? How would they manage their relationships and friendship? The world had not treated me well, would I be knocked out by life?
These NBI young men who just got into workplaces, were about to experience the challenging internship times, facing the fierce competition in work field and the complex interpersonal relationship. They would step forward, trying to develop their own business, learning about friendship, relationship and family, and finally creating a new life.