西遊記之再世妖王Journey to the West : Reincarnation of the Demon King

Journey to the West : Reincarnation of the Demon King

耗時五年打造,經典人物孫悟空以新造型、新故事重磅呈獻, 特效團隊是參與破億票房《姜子牙》的MORE VFX操刀, 畫面精緻且考究,打鬥場面也很震憾,適合全家大小一同觀看! 故事講述混沌初開之時,史上的第一隻妖降世,名元蒂,被封為妖祖。 千百萬年後,昔日妖王孫悟空被唐僧從五行山下救出悟空答應保護唐僧前往西天取經, 而傳說中的妖祖元蒂再次現世,三界岌岌可危, 兩代妖王終極一戰,但這次孫悟空遇上那個了真正的勁敵。
Spent 5 years, another new Monkey King(Chinese called “”Sun Wukong””) CG animated feature film will air on April 2. This film breaks the traditional perception of the classic story of “”Journey to the West””, and creates a strong and bloody but unacceptable image of Monkey King. Its visual effect was made by famous company “”More VFX””(known for previous animated feature “”Jiang Ziya””). With new stories, new styles, big productions, and big scenes, this animation will provide the unique charm of the oriental classic mythology, and bring an exciting audio-visual feast for audiences, especially comic fans.
